
Requirements, application, admission, et cetera.
Inlägg: 28
Blev medlem: 14 aug 2013, 14:55


Inlägg av bluejay43 »


Vad lycklig jag är att jag har hittat den här websidan! Jag skulle vilja läsa läkarprogrammet, men jag har några frågor. Jag kommer från USA och har bott i Sverige i åtta månader nu. Jag avslutade både SFI och SAS i våras, och idag fick jag bedömningen av mina amerikanska betyg från UHR.

Jag är ganska orolig eftersom jag inte läste fysik på gymnasiet. Däremot förra året avslutade jag ett "pre-medical" program på universitet i USA där jag läste fysik (ett år), cellbiologi och molekylärbiologi (ett år), oorganisk kemi (ett år) och organisk kemi (ett år). Tycker ni att de svenska universiteten kommer att godkänna dessa kurser? Jag är lite frustrerad därför att jag har läst vetenskapliga kurser på en hög nivå, men det verkar att universitet inte kan ge mig något klart svar.

Tack för att ni tog er tid för att läsa. Var snäll och förlåt min svenska!
Confused Mom
Inlägg: 11
Blev medlem: 15 jul 2013, 09:39

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av Confused Mom »

Hi bluejay43!

This is Confused Mom who is beginning to understand things better, thanks to Nils!

Did you get a section on your High School Evaluation that says
Din gymnasieutbildning ger särskild behörighet i följande ämnen:

Then you get a list of classes and what level you have passed.

My child received credit for Math C, Biology B, and Chemistry A in their American HS Evaluation.

In Sweden in order to even apply for the Doctor line of study you have to have passed Math D, Biology B, Chemistry B and Physics B from "high school". Of course, they have changed the courses now and so they are all called 2 instead of B, or 4 instead of D, but as far as I can tell, they mean the same thing.

So this meant that my child had to go and study in Sweden to get the pre-requirements out of the way. My child first took an online Physics class to get the A part of the course completed, then they took the 2nd half of the Bastermin at Uppsala to complete the B courses needed. Biology was a repeat but it was good to take it in Swedish.

When you turned in your High School grades did you also send in your University Pre-Med grades too?

Also, I am guessing that you would only be considered in the B2 application which pretty much requires that you have had straight A's (3.98 or so) in USA so that your merit points are 22.5. You will also need to take the Swedish Högskoleprov and probably need at least a 1.3 to be accepted in Umeå or Linköping since there is only about 12 students at each University accepted in the B2 quota each semester. If you do great on the Högskoleprov, 1.8 or higher, you can get into almost all the medical schools in Sweden through the HP acceptance quota.

I hope what I have said is correct - I am sure Nils or someone else will correct me if I am wrong.

Good luck! This is a fantastic information source!
Inlägg: 28
Blev medlem: 14 aug 2013, 14:55

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av bluejay43 »

Hi Confused Mom,

Thanks so much for your reply and for sharing your own experiences. As a foreigner, I've found the whole grading/qualification system here in Sweden to be quite confusing. I recently received my high school evaluation from UHR, which gives me särskild behörighet in the following:

Mathematics E
Biology B
Naturkunskap B
Samhällskunskap B
Historia B
Idrott och Hälsa A
Franska steg 4

I also took Chemistry in high school, but it wasn't an AP class, so UHR says they need to see a syllabus or other information from the course to evaluate whether it qualifies.

I didn't send in my university transcripts to UHR because they only adjudicate one's high school grades. It is my understanding that the Swedish universities themselves may consider my university-level coursework. I'm really hoping that they accept my university science grades; I didn't take physics in high school!

Is your child a native English speaker? In other words, how did he/she learn Swedish and decide to come to Sweden from the U.S.? Also, doesn't the 4.0 GPA scale translate into a maximum of 20 points here? How would I get the extra 2.5 merit points?

Thanks again!
Confused Mom
Inlägg: 11
Blev medlem: 15 jul 2013, 09:39

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av Confused Mom »

Hi again,
Here are a few quick answers.

Definitely ask your teacher to send a link or email of the syllabus to the person who signed your evaluation from UHR . It is worth the trouble to have the information on your Evaluation. Kiddo got a revised evaluation with more credit approved at a higher level.

You have to get some kind of official credit for your Physics grades or you will never be able to apply online in Sweden. Antagning.se's computer program will toss out your application unless you have all pre-requirements fulfilled. Hopefully someone else can explain how to get this added to your record. I think it would be a pain to have to send papers to each university and hope they accept your transcripts and not lose them...

Kiddos born in USA, lived 5 yrs in Sweden as children & attended some grammar school in Sweden. Returned to USA for grammar school, middle school & HS but we traveled to Sweden just about every other year to keep up their Swedish. Oldest kiddo went to Folkhögskola to get the written Swedish up to University level. Youngest kiddo graduated USA HS and then went the last year of Gymnasieskolan in Sweden (since the students were the same age) to get the written Swedish. Both were excellent students in USA so their high grades helped them get into their University studies.

Yep, a 4.0 does = 20 points but you get extra points for having a 4.0. You get 2.5 extra for a total merit point value of 22.5.

You can find that info listed here in Swedish
https://www.antagning.se/sv/Det-har-gal ... -betygen1/

Keep asking questions! :-)

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av JayDee »

The shortest and easiest way to get qualifications in physics, in my opinion, is to take IB Physics SL a a certificate (I believe the IB system is equivalent to the American APs). This is mainly because it would be in english and you would only need a pass to get the Fysik B/2 qualification (as the grade from the certificate DOESN´T affect your swedish grade average). The downside is that you will have to do some labs before the school registers you for examination. I believe you should contact a nearby IB school to explore that option further. Good luck with your quest for entry into medicine :glad:
Inlägg: 28
Blev medlem: 14 aug 2013, 14:55

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av bluejay43 »

Thanks to both of you for your replies. Sorry it has taken me a while to respond. I called UHR again and spoke to a different person, and this guy told me that I CAN send in my university grades to demonstrate that I've taken the necessary classes. So now I'm having my transcripts sent directly to UHR from the universities. I'm a little concerned though because other people I've spoken to at UHR say they only look at foreign high school grades. I made sure to get this guy's name so that I can contact him if I have further trouble. I really hope it doesn't come down to the luck of the draw.

Getting a syllabus from my chemistry course would probably be impossible, since I took the class over ten years ago, and my teacher has since retired.

JayDee, thanks for the tip about IB physics! I will absolutely keep that in mind. Sounds way easier since it is in English; however, perhaps it is better for me to take it in Swedish, as the medical program is in Swedish.
Inlägg: 28
Blev medlem: 14 aug 2013, 14:55

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av bluejay43 »

Nils, could you kindly offer your opinion as to my situation? I talked to the guy at UHR again today, and he told me to have everything, including my foreign university transcripts, sent to Antagningsservice in Strömsund. Apparently I also have to have my high school send my diploma and transcript directly to Antagningsservice as well, so I don't understand why I went through all the trouble of having my high school grades assessed by UHR...
driver läkarstudent.se
Inlägg: 4718
Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av Nils »

I would guess that the UHR assessment was more of a preliminary evaluation, while Antagningsservice is more about the actual application itself.

I am not personally familiar with the application process using foreign grades, however, so hopefully someone else reading this will be kind enough to share their experiences and insights...
Confused Mom
Inlägg: 11
Blev medlem: 15 jul 2013, 09:39

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av Confused Mom »

Here are my thoughts. Antagningsservice is the keeper of all academic records. They want original verified transcripts from your school. I believe they will also get an official copy of the paper from UHR and it will be added to "your records" on file with them. Once they have everything, it will be in their records and any Swedish school can see what you have for grades and merit points.

I hope this helps.
Inlägg: 28
Blev medlem: 14 aug 2013, 14:55

Re: Läkarprogrammet?

Inlägg av bluejay43 »

Hey guys!

I have an update. It looks like I will be granted behörighet for my foreign university science classes. I was also given the maximum number of points (20) for my foreign high school grades. Does anyone know if the BIII quota for utländska betyg has been abolished? I read the following on the government website and have become a bit concerned:


Am taking the högskoleprov this weekend but am now concerned that I will have to compete directly with Swedish students, the best of whom I know will ace the exam (especially the Swedish part, where I'm just so-so).
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