Success story in "Moderna läkare" #4, 2013

Accreditation, permit of residence, language, licensing, specialist training, et cetera.
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Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52

Success story in "Moderna läkare" #4, 2013

Inlägg av Nils » ... index.html, page 18

The story, in Swedish, is about Kais who entered Sweden as a foreign medical graduate after working as a physician in Iraq, Yemen and Jordan for a few years. Below is an important insight which he shared in the article, with highlighting added:
Without [fluency in Swedish], you will not do well even if you have a medical license.
The language is the key to everything.
I realised this while accompanying another physician at a health care central.
Neither me nor the patients understood what he meant.
I did not want to end up in his situation.
(in case you are not yet familiar with Swedish, it should be possible to download the magazine as a pdf file and then copy the text into a digital translation service)