Waiting times for Socialstyrelsen (Non EU doctor)


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Expandera Trådhistorik: Waiting times for Socialstyrelsen (Non EU doctor)

Waiting times for Socialstyrelsen (Non EU doctor)

av Nils » 07 feb 2016, 14:04

Congratulations miss Braun! :)

Waiting times for Socialstyrelsen (Non EU doctor)

av missbraun » 05 feb 2016, 16:50

Hi guys! Thank you so much ''another visitor'' for your suggestion! I actually didn't get around to do that though.... because... I just got the answer!
Happily they approved my application :glad: which means I can now continue and take a swedish test and then go on to take the TULE test.
My wait was 8 months (If anyone else has been wondering about the waiting times)
And well.. that's that :party: tack alla!

Waiting times for Socialstyrelsen (Non EU doctor)

av another visitor » 12 jan 2016, 17:19

My recommendation is that you call Socialstyrelsen and ask the about what applies in your situation.
+46 (0)75 247 30 00

You can either ask for Information service or Authorisations Unit, the first can answer broadly about questions, and the second more specific questions. You should have received an email from Socialstyrelsen, containing a number used to identify your application. Keep that ready in case you need it.

Please, do note the specific telephone hours. In order to shorten the waiting time (and thus phone bills), I recommend that you call as early as possible, i.e. the first minutes after they open.

Good luck, and please let us know what the tell you! :tur:

Waiting times for Socialstyrelsen (Non EU doctor)

av missbraun » 11 jan 2016, 22:45

Hi guys! Has anyone aplied or know someone who has applied to socialstyreslen as a non-EU doctor for revision, AND has got a response?
And how long was the wait? I mean, I know the waiting time is looong.. when I sent my application waiting time was around 8months (I sent my application in May).. Now socialstyrelsen hasn't been updating their webpage where they say ''we are currently looking at applications from..'' at least I hope that they just haven't updated, or else they have been looking at applications from august 2014 for 6 months :pinsamt: haha
thanks in advance for any responses! :glad:
