From Saudi Arabia

Accreditation, permit of residence, language, licensing, specialist training, et cetera.
Inlägg: 1
Blev medlem: 25 mar 2016, 04:36

From Saudi Arabia

Inlägg av Kfbeidas »

Hello everyone
My name is Khalid I am going to finish medical school from saudi arabia however I am a jordanian citzien this year and I am really intersted to countinue my spesailty in sweeden .

Now I am learning the language and willing to study and train I understand I have to do a year in sweden after my year of intership here and have to do the AT exam can anyone please tell me how are the people choosen for the resdency programs and also is it possible to get into plastic or orthepedic surgery in Sweden .

I also want to know about the quality of traning is it respected in the EU and the world ?

How are resdency programs conducted ??

Thank you all for your time

Please if anyone can help i will really appertiated
another visitor

Forgin medical graduate

Inlägg av another visitor »

Hello Khalid and welcome to lä! I'll try to anser your questions and alos provide some additional information. First, your questions:
How are residency programs conducted ?
Residency in Sweden is called Specialisttjänstgöring, but is usually just referred to as its abbreviation ST, or ST-tjänst.

The ST is a minimum of five years, the length depends on the time it take you to finish the various learning objectives needed in order to apply for specialist license - i.e. becoming a certified specialist/consultant in the field of your ST-tjänst.
When you're accepted to an ST-tjänst, you will be given a mentor with which you'll meet regularly to discuss your progress and what you need to do in order to achieve the learning objectives/knowledge-level for your speciality. You will be given the opportunity to participate in different courses and national/international conferences, and you will most often have to do a period of side-rotation within other adjacent fields of medicine, in order to fully meet the learning objectives.
I also want to know about the quality of training is it respected in the EU and the world ?
This question is hard to answer, since there isn't any international ranking on the residency/ST, due to the wide variation in its configuration globally.
However, there are plenty of doctors from other Nordic countries, as well as some European, that come to Sweden to do ST. Also Saudi Arabia recently decided to send a bunch of doctors to Sweden to do ST, more on that further down.
It is also easy to convert a Swedish specialist license to the same in any EU and/or Nordic country. It can also be said that the Scandinavian health care (system) generally enjoys a good reputation globally.
How are the people chosen for the residency programs?
Read the following forum threads on the subject of finding an AT-/ST-tjänst for mor info!

There is also an other route. In the county of Skåne they have recently agreed to offer specialist training to 35 doctors from Saudi Arabia, through the KSA35-project. They offer these programs through their own company called Skåne Care - check out their website for more info. The way I understand it the Saudi state pays for all the tuition fees and living expenses, and the six year program starts off with a one year language course, helping the doctors to reach level C1 language proficiency (CEFR).
Is it possible to get into plastic or orthopedic surgery in Sweden?
As everywhere in the world, plastic surgery is highly competitive. In Sweden there are only training spots at the seven university hospitals, making the number of ST-tjänster limited. At the hospital where I studied the people given an ST in plastic usually already were or were soon-to-be specialists in another surgical field. Summa summarum, if you have done lots of research in the filed and/or have experience from another surgical field and are a nice/funny guy that fits well with the other people at the clinic, then maybe.

Ortopedic surgery on the other hand, being a bigger speciality present at almost all hospitals in Sweden (here it's just called Ortopedics / Ortopedi - they all do surgery). Since it's everywhere, it's not as competitive so I'd say your chances are promising if you're interested.

However, before you do any of this you have to, as you mentioned, learn the language and also validate your medical licence. Read more on how to do the latter on ... f-medicine

Best of luck and please update us on your progress! :tur:

From Saudi Arabia

Inlägg av Gäst »

Hello! Thank you for an expanded and very informative answer! Although I am last year medical student from Europe, I also consider to stufy ST in Sweden next year when I will pass the B2 exam in swedish. I wanted to ask about fields of: Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation oncology, Anesthesiology&ICU --> How competitive are those fields for ST doctors? Esp I am interested in Diagnostic Radiology. Is there trainings around all hospitals in Sweden or only in university hospitals? Mycket tack!
driver lä
Inlägg: 4718
Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52

From Saudi Arabia

Inlägg av Nils »

There is a shortage of diagnostic radiologists in Sweden, not sure about the other two. The degree of competition would probably vary from ST program to ST program, depending on location and other factors.
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