Nearly impossible to get residency training in Sweden?

Accreditation, permit of residence, language, licensing, specialist training, et cetera.
Inlägg: 5
Blev medlem: 18 maj 2014, 17:22

Nearly impossible to get residency training in Sweden?

Inlägg av henry90121 »

I've recently heard that for non-eu citizen and eu medical school graduate, it is nearly impossible to get residency training in Sweden or any other Scandinavian countries. And, it is advised to come to Sweden or any other Scandinavian countries after he or she has completed Specialty training.

I hope someone could confirm that this is true or not.

Thanks a lot

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av elbarto »

henry90121 skrev:I've recently heard that for non-eu citizen and eu medical school graduate, it is nearly impossible to get residency training in Sweden or any other Scandinavian countries. And, it is advised to come to Sweden or any other Scandinavian countries after he or she has completed Specialty training.

I hope someone could confirm that this is true or not.

Thanks a lot
I'm sure you'll get a better answer from someone else - but I'll try to answer at least part of your question. For Swedish medical students it's required to complete at least 18 months of recidency AT internship in order to apply for a medical license. However, in many other EU countries - recidency AT internship is not required in order to receive a license. Instead, med school (in Latvia for example) in prolonged for an extra term (12 terms in total). Consequently - doctors who have earned a medical license in other EU countries can practice medicine in Sweden without going through swedish residency AT internship.

I have no idea what rules apply for non-EU doctors and med students - or for med students in EU countries that DO require recidency before licensing.

P.S. I'm not 100% sure about all of this. But it's my general understanding of the situation.
Senast redigerad av Nils den 08 jul 2014, 23:03, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
Anledning: error correction
Inlägg: 14
Blev medlem: 19 nov 2013, 15:44

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av Tonne »

I would guess that it is possible to get a residency position in rural areas for a foreign medical graduate.

Elbarto, residency is the equivalence of ST, not AT.

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av elbarto »

Tonne skrev:Elbarto, residency is the equivalence of ST, not AT.
Oops! Sorry to confuse you henry90121.

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av elbarto »

Apperently I meant internship whenever I wrote residency.
Inlägg: 5
Blev medlem: 18 maj 2014, 17:22

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av henry90121 »

elbarto skrev:<font><font>Apperently I meant internship whenever I wrote residency.</font></font>
Tonne skrev:<font><font>I would guess that it is possible to get a residency position in rural areas for a foreign medical graduate.</font><font>Elbarto, residency is the equivalence of ST, not AT.</font></font>

Thank both of you very much for replying.

In medical school in Hungary, which is where I'm going, I get a license after I graduate. So, I can immediately get a license in Sweden. The thing I'm most worried is that no hospital or clinic will give me ST training, which is the training before having specialty. I've heard that there is limited places, and they are for Swedish medschools or Swedish people studying abroad. Others suggest that I get a specialty in another country first then come and work in Sweden.

I have no problem doing ST in a more rural place. I can probably find work in an urban place after ST right? I really hope I won't have a problem working in a country, after I spend many time studying the language.
Inlägg: 348
Blev medlem: 19 dec 2011, 21:01

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av Nyberg89 »

If you're good and speak swedish well, you will not have a problem.
driver lä
Inlägg: 4718
Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av Nils »

Not significantly more than native Swedes, at least. There is currently a shortage of ST positions relative to both supply (of licensed doctors) and demand (for specialist physicians) but pressure has been building for an increase.
Inlägg: 5
Blev medlem: 18 maj 2014, 17:22

Re: Residency or Specialty?

Inlägg av henry90121 »

Got it. Thanks a lot for the reply :)
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