From Latvia

Accreditation, permit of residence, language, licensing, specialist training, et cetera.

From Latvia

Inlägg av Alise »

Wanted to ask, if it's even possible for an international graduate to enter residency without getting swedish license? Im an EU-citizen (Latvia, currently on my 5th year of med school) and I got B2 level certificate in swedish (fluent).
Thank you
Inlägg: 348
Blev medlem: 19 dec 2011, 21:01

Re: Latvia to residency in Sweden

Inlägg av Nyberg89 »

Alise skrev:Hello.
Wanted to ask, if it's even possible for an international graduate to enter residency without getting swedish license? Im an EU-citizen (Latvia, currently on my 5th year of med school) and I got B2 level certificate in swedish (fluent).
Thank you
The bologna process will help you - EHEA means European Higher Education Area and allow you to practise in within - Sweden is a part of EHEA. All you have to do is contact "Socialstyrelsen".. wait a little .. and they will give you a Swedish license. After that you're free to work and apply for residency.

Good Luck!

about internship and etc

Inlägg av butter_fly »

I'm currently in my 5th year, studying in Latvia. I've been learning swedish and next year planning to pass TISUS.
So I have couple of questions.
I get my MD license in june, 2015.
1.) After that I immediately apply for Swedish Medical license, right? How fast in this process, meaning, how quickly do I get any response?
2.) As I understood, it's pretty hard to start ST exactly after getting MD license. But is it worth trying? Where do you find those places to get into ST training, how this process looks like?
3.) If I have no chance to get into ST training right away, I should do internship, but what exactly is that and where and how you apply?

Thanks for response
driver lä
Inlägg: 4718
Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52

Re: Latvia to residency in Sweden

Inlägg av Nils »

Hi butter_fly! :)

Yes - since you receive a Latvian medical license, you qualify for a Swedish medical license as well according to the EU rules. ... ofmedicine
I do not know how long the process is, perhaps a few months. I imagine that it can't be excessively long or else the EU would have been accusing the Swedish bureaucracy for creating obstacles to the freedom of movement and the common market.

ST positions are announced and you then apply to them as if they were a job. The ST position ads can show up in different places but Läkartidningen would be a good place to start looking. The specific county councils also post information on their websites, if you have specific locations in mind.

Temporary junior physician (or intern) positions are useful to demonstrate your abilities, develop your Swedish workplace skills (language, familiarity with systems, familiarity with regulations et cetera) and gain contacts who can support you as future application references. For these kinds of positions, you should probably start by contacting the county councils you are interested in (particularly the human resources departments).

It may also be easier to get positions in more peripheral areas than in Stockholm, Skåne/Scania and Göteborg/Gothenburg.
Inlägg: 1
Blev medlem: 11 apr 2014, 16:42

Re: Latvia to residency in Sweden

Inlägg av zephyr »

Alise, butter_fly,

I am a medical student from Latvia and I would like to do my residency in Sweden too. If you're reading this, please PM me so we could exchange our contact infomation cause I haven't entirely figured out the residency system in Sweden for someone with Latvian diploma (plus I have couple of other questions for you two).
Ceru, ka neatteiksiet palidzibu tautietim ;)
Inlägg: 1
Blev medlem: 15 apr 2014, 13:51

Re: Latvia to residency in Sweden

Inlägg av butter_fly »

Thanks for your response, Nils!
I will PM you zephyr ;) np.
Inlägg: 1
Blev medlem: 31 jan 2017, 00:10

From Latvia

Inlägg av Patricietis »

First of all, I'd like to thank mods for keeping this forum clean and up to date. I read a lot of topics in English section and found them very useful. Nevertheless, I have a few questions I'd like to ask. I hope fellow countrymen (latvians) are here as well.

I'm a 2nd year med student from Latvia (RSU). I'd like to practice medicine in Sweden. I'm wondering what would be my chances to start ST after receiving my medical license (skipping AT). I understand that there are many factors to consider and they are all basically up to me - specialty, language knowledge, research, clinical experience.

In general, are Swedish hospitals open to accepting foreigners? Will I be able to acquire Swedish medical license in time for the vacancies (I'll receive Latvian medical license in June)? Could anyone share his or her experience? Any recommendations?

I'll start attending Swedish language courses this month and I believe 4.5 years are enough to get a C1 level (all up to me). Since this would be my 5th language I'm pretty sure it's easily achievable. Right now I'm interested in diagnostic radiology, but of course, it might change with time. Does ambulance or working in a hospital count as a fine clinical experience?

All in all, what should I concentrate on in order to improve my chances to get a ST spot? Is it worth even trying?

Thank you in advance!
Johan Stenhammar

From Latvia

Inlägg av Johan Stenhammar »

You should get in touch with some of the many Swedes students at RSU, as I assume they know a lot about this. Email me if you're unable to get in touch with any and I'll help you.

Good luck! :)

driver lä
Inlägg: 4718
Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52

From Latvia

Inlägg av Nils »

Patricietis skrev:In general, are Swedish hospitals open to accepting foreigners?
Yes, with the caveat that more peripheral hospitals are more eager to accept applicants (this is the same as for native medical graduates).
Will I be able to acquire Swedish medical license in time for the vacancies (I'll receive Latvian medical license in June)?
Hopefully. The approval process is pretty streamlined for applications regarding recognition of EU medical licenses, when compared to other applications.
Does ambulance or working in a hospital count as a fine clinical experience?
I would say so.
All in all, what should I concentrate on in order to improve my chances to get a ST spot? Is it worth even trying?
If you want to move to Sweden, it is worth trying. Radiology is still a shortage specialty, which would make it easier to get into than other ST programs, though this may of course change over time.

Besides clinical experience, writing your bachelor's/master's thesis on a subject within the desired field of work may also be a way to merit yourself; I have heard that some of the physicians who assess applications do think favourably of candidates with a well-written thesis paper, especially if it is within their own field.
(Of course, a paper written in English may be more accessible to them than a paper written in Latvian.)
Inlägg: 1
Blev medlem: 26 jan 2020, 21:14

From Latvia

Inlägg av ievina »

Hello everyone!
I'm currently in my 6th year, studying in Latvia. I've been learning swedish with private teacher one year ahead, so i have some questions to ask, maybe someone could help me PM :) i would be so thankful.
1. ) Which is best Swedish language test to pass ( Swedex or TISUS) or other tests?
2.) I would be able to pass B2 until this summer, but it seems to apply for Swedish Medical license i need C1. My question is , if i will apply with B2 they will refuse my application?
3.) I'm interested in ST programm in Skåne/Scania , if i want to apply for spot there, where i can find information?
I checked as here was written down Läkartidningen, but there is job applications after residency.
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