TULE test or supplementary education year, which is easier?


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Expandera Trådhistorik: TULE test or supplementary education year, which is easier?

TULE test or supplementary education year, which is easier?

av Nils » 19 mar 2016, 02:33

Hello RoboDoc2,

Since I do not have any personal experience of either, I am not really qualified to answer your first question.
I would guess that the supplementary year is easier, since you get a defined curriculum and goals and have a year to meet them. This is just a guess, though.

Lots of Swedish physicians work as junior physicians after graduating but before starting AT, I see no reason why you should not be able to do the same after passing the TULE test or doing the supplementary year (provided that your Swedish language skills are also sufficient at that time). You could check with Socialstyrelsen to make sure, though (and if you do, please share their answer here).

TULE test or supplementary education year, which is easier?

av RoboDoc2 » 05 mar 2016, 18:08

Im wondering if its easier to take the TULE test I know it takes place once a year in Karolinska institute in September I think.
is that easier than more practical than the supplementary education programme which has a one year duration.

I heard the TULE test is quite hard to pass.
My other question is if you complete the programme or pass the TULE test how long do you have to wait in order to find a place for A.T. and can you work as a junior doctor whilst you are waiting for an AT spot? :smart:
