How to get clinical training for the TULE test?


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Expandera Trådhistorik: How to get clinical training for the TULE test?

"klinisk utbildning" clinical training for Tule test in Swe

av another visitor » 29 mar 2016, 22:49

A question similar to yours was asked in the following two thread:
1. http://lä
2. http://lä

The answer I gave then, was not as much an answer as me reasoning that what a foreign graduate needs to do to get a job as underläkare or an observership. A copy/paste from the to threads gives you the following two trains of though:

1. "Securing a position as underläkare for a non-EU citizen
This, I sadly know nothing about. For Swedish graduates it can roughly be said that the bigger the hospital, the bigger the need, yet also the competition. My suggestion is that, once have completed step 1 and 2 in Socialstyrelsens list ( ... ofmedicine), you make a list of the fields you would like to work in, then pick a hospital and start emailing the different departments as you go, or the other way around. Sweden is a bit informal in that way - you sort of show an interest and if they need people they'll hire you."

2. "There is also the possibility to do some none-paid shadowing (called askultation or praktik, and is usually arranges through Arbetsförmedlingen) at a hospital in the county you are interested in. It is also a great way to make yourself known at a future workplace."

Needless to say, a good level of Swedish is the key factor to providing you with the opportunity to work/shadow a doctor in the Swedish health care system.

I highly recommend you read the two threads in their entirety, since there are plenty of good links and tips, which might provide you with answers to current and future questions.

Best of luck :tur:

How to get clinical training for the TULE test?

av RoboDoc » 24 mar 2016, 15:18

Does anyone know how to go about applying for a observation post prior to taking the tule test in order to polish ones clinical skills for the practical part of tule test? :nja:

Thanks in advance :tummarupp:
