Internships for EU graduates?


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Expandera Trådhistorik: Internships for EU graduates?

Internships for EU graduates?

av Nils » 07 jun 2015, 16:43

Hello Enrico!

If you have an EU medical degree, but not yet any EU medical license, then you can apply for the Swedish AT.

Once you have an EU medical degree, you are no longer eligible for Swedish AT and can instead apply for a Swedish medical license and, after getting it, start applying for residencies (provided that you meet the "landsting" language proficiency requirements and keep in mind that it can be a competitive process, meaning that connections and a strong CV are recommended if you aim for the more desired spots).

Internships for EU graduates?

av Enrico » 31 maj 2015, 14:58

Hi everybody! I recently joined the forum, so maybe I'm asking something which was answered several times. What are the options for a freshly graduate from Italy? I'm having my state exam in October - my country belongs to the few ones, where license to practice is obtained only after post-grad internship and written exam, not automatically - so I suppose I couln't apply for an AT internship in Sweden, right? If this means that I can directly apply for a specialization residency, well that would be great :D could you please confirm it? and could you please tell me what is the procedure to apply? I checked the socialstyrelsen website, both in english and swedish (I'm learning it with duolingo and bliubliu, I suggest them as the best ways to first approach the language) but I didn't reach such informations
thanks in advance for any info you'll give me, bye!

Re: Internships for EU graduates?

av Floopdoop » 07 maj 2013, 14:53


Re: Internships for EU graduates?

av Gäst » 06 maj 2013, 17:07

What Nyberg89 said.

The AT internship is a special, regulated kind of internship which is mandatory before doing the Swedish medical license test (and only open to non-licensed physicians).

It is perfectly possible to do other, less formal kinds of internships for other purposes, as agreed between you and the employer.

Re: Internships for EU graduates?

av Nyberg89 » 06 maj 2013, 14:44

You can always workout a internship as an introduction to the Swedish medical system.. Some Swedish doctors who've taken their license abroad do it.

Internships for EU graduates?

av Floopdoop » 05 maj 2013, 08:56

You might have an easier time getting into a Swedish residency if you first do an internship
Aren't AT internships unavailable to EU graduates? Or are there other kinds of internships to do before joining residency program? Also, what kind of work can a person with a EU medical degree can do in Sweden? Thanks :glad:
